My Next Virgin Voyage Policy Changes Effective May 15th
Starting May 15th, 2024, select changes to My Next Virgin Voyage offers affect Circles and individual purchases onboard. MNVV offers secure future voyages with benefits.

From May 15th 2024 a few select changes will occur on the popular My Next Virgin Voyage onboard offer that will affect those who are in a Circle (10 cabins booked together) as well as everyone purchasing one on board.
What is an MNVV?
As a reminder the ‘My Next Virgin Voyage’ (MNVV) offer allows sailors to secure a placeholder sailing onboard, offering benefits with a $300 deposit deduction, $300 off the voyage fare, and $600 onboard Sailor Loot credit. Since February 1st, 2024, Sailor Loot reduces to $300 for bookings made more than 60 days after purchasing an MNVV. MNVVs are valid for any sailing within 24 months of deposit payment.
While MNVV can be combined with most offers, deeply discounted rates like Sweepstakes, Casino, Charters, and others are ineligible. MNVV has been a popular initiative for sailors so a change to this policy is surprising particularly with recent offer incentives this Summer.
Changes to MNVV Purchase Quantity
The maximum purchase quantity for MNVV onboard offers and “The Lasting Glow” post voyage offer is reduced from 10 to 4 per Sailor. This offer was a limited time offer that had been available for the last year or so. This new policy starts on May 15, 2024 for anyone booking onboard. MNVV offers must be booked under the Sailor’s name onboard but can be transferred to a friend on land via Sailor Services.
Changes to MNVV use in Circles
You can still apply MNVV placeholder to a new or existing Circle, but MNVV bookings added to a Circle after May 15, 2024, won’t get Circle Sailor Loot. Circle Sailor Loot was a way for those booking over 10 cabins to gain additional loot benefits typically $100 per cabin.
Bookings within the Circle that don’t have MNVV will still receive Circle Sailor Loot benefits. MNVV bookings converted into a Circle before May 15, 2024, won’t be affected by the new policy but those moving over past this date will be affected.

While the alterations may not impact a significant number of sailors, they are likely to have an effect on devoted sailors who frequently accumulate My Next Virgin Voyage offers for future trips. This adjustment represents the second modification to MNVV’s this year. On February 1st, 2024, the offer was adjusted to guarantee that sailors booking within a 60-day timeframe would receive the entire $600 bonus reward.