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The Scene

The Scene on Virgin Voyages cruise ships
The Scene on Virgin Voyages cruise ships © Photo by VV Insider

Amidst the vibrant energy of Virgin Voyages, The Scene stands as a serene escape, doubling as a versatile event space aboard the ship. While not always accessible to sailors, a note on the door indicates its availability. For those fortunate enough to enter, The Scene offers a peaceful ambiance, ideal for unwinding amidst the ocean’s gentle sway.

Purpose and Accessibility

While primarily designated for corporate or internal events, The Scene extends its doors to all guests seeking tranquility. Tucked away in a discreet corner of the ship, its accessibility is as simple as pushing the door open. However, availability may vary, so sailors should heed any notices indicating closure.

Booking The Scene in advance is an option, offering the opportunity for private cocktail parties accommodating up to 30 sailors. For inquiries or reservations, Sailor Services provides further details on available options.

Ambiance and Furnishings

Soft furnishings adorn The Scene, fostering a tranquil atmosphere conducive to relaxation and rejuvenation. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer panoramic views of the ocean, providing a serene backdrop for contemplation or simply enjoying the maritime scenery.

The Scene offers floor to ceiling windows with views of the ocean and seating
The Scene offers floor to ceiling windows© Photo by Virgin Voyages


In essence, The Scene epitomizes a haven of calm amidst the lively ambiance of Virgin Voyages. Beyond serving as a retreat for relaxation, it doubles as a venue for private events. Its understated elegance and peaceful setting make it a sought-after sanctuary for sailors seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of the ship’s activities. Whether enjoying a quiet moment alone or hosting an intimate gathering, The Scene promises an experience of serenity and sophistication amidst the maritime adventure.

About the author

Co-Founder and Director. David has a background in web design and development and writes travel content, vacation guides and tips about Virgin Voyages.

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