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June 2024 Virgin Voyages Rumor & Tidbit Roundup

Virgin Voyages may soon earn Virgin Red points. Price hikes noted onboard for Redemption Spa & Bingo with the Diva. New Miami dock energy initiative. Brilliant Lady features advanced technology for sustainability.


June 2024 Rumor Roundup
June 2024 Rumor Roundup © Photo by VV Insider

We’re going over the Rumor and Tidbit Roundup for June 2024. Stay informed and get more updates by subscribing to our newsletter, follow us on Instagram and Facebook and becoming an Insider.

Earn Points for Voyages?

Virgin Voyages may soon allow travelers to earn Virgin Red points, marking an exciting integration with other Virgin brands. This follows the recent reintroduction of points-based purchases for select cruises. Richard Branson, speaking to The Star, emphasized the goal of creating a seamless experience for travelers of all Virgin brands. This integration will let Virgin Voyages passengers earn airline loyalty points and enjoy more hotel options at various destinations. Branson remarked, “It’s something which we should have done fifty years ago. We had all these different Virgin companies – it is pulling the Virgin companies together under one umbrella.” Read more

Virgin Red
Virgin Red© Photo by Virgin Red

Eat and Drink Festival Launches This Week

This Sunday marks the launch of the latest edition of the annual Eat & Drink Festival bringing new events, a new Asian Food Market in The Galley as well as Menu C for Test Kitchen.

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A person, sitting in a restaurant, drinking red wine.
The Eat and Drink Festival return for 2024© Photo by Virgin Voyages

More Price Increases Across the Ships

Some sailors have noticed price hikes for premium tickets at Bingo with the Diva with the top end tickets now starting at $50 for two sheets and $60 for three sheets, a $5 increase, the $35 single sheet option remains the same. There is also increased rates at Redemption Spa, with port day prices now at $59 and sea day prices at $79 as well as increases in the price of some treatments. This marks the second price increase this year for the spa and adds more value to the Splash of Romance package, which also saw a recent price rise. We highlighted last month increases to drinks and Ship Eats prices. Expect further price increases as Virgin Voyages aims to boost onboard revenue. Our website pages have been updated to reflect these new prices.

Live Performances from The Diva during Bingo© Photo by Kara Kature

Miami Dock Energy

Virgin Voyages’ new shore power initiative at the Port of Miami aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by allowing ships to plug into the local power grid while docked. This sustainable move aligns with the broader goals of reducing the environmental impact of cruising through a coalition with other cruise line brands including Carnival & Royal Caribbean. Read more

Terminal V in Miami
Terminal V, Miami© Photo by Virgin Voyages

Brilliant Lady New Technology

Virgin Voyages’ latest ship, Brilliant Lady is showcasing some new advanced technology and design features not found on the other ships. With the aim of enhancing the passenger experience and operational efficiency. The ship is equipped with state-of-the-art energy-saving systems, including an air lubrication system that reduces hull friction, improving fuel efficiency.

Brilliant Lady also features cutting-edge navigation and safety systems, ensuring smooth and secure voyages. With its focus on sustainability, the ship incorporates waste management technologies that minimize environmental impact. This latest addition to the Virgin Voyages fleet launching in September 2025 represents a significant step forward in modern, sustainable cruising, reflecting the company’s commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship. Read more

Brilliant Lady visits New York City
Brilliant Lady visits New York City© Photo by Virgin Voyages

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About the author

Co-Founder and Editor. An iOS developer and writer with a passion for theme parks and extensive cruise experience, blending technical know how with a love for Virgin Voyages nearing 15 sailings around the world.

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