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Aquatic Club Pool

Aquatic Club Pool on Virgin Voyages cruise ships
Aquatic Club Pool on Virgin Voyages cruise ships © Photo by VV Insider


The Aquatic Club Pool is the central feature of Virgin Voyages’ Aquatic Club area. While not designed for lap swimming or strenuous workouts, it provides guests with a cooling retreat and a unique space for dance and fun.


The pool is notably smaller than what you might expect. However, it serves the purposes of cooling down and offering ample dancing room at the ends of the pool on the raised platform areas.


  • The pool is semi-accessible, but it’s worth noting that there’s no lift or hoist available.
  • Guests with mobility issues should be aware of the tall step leading up to the pool’s raised edge and another large step leading down into the pool itself.

Access during peak times

When all sunbeds/loungers are in use, access to and from the pool may involve maneuvering past other guests and their belongings. This situation may not be ideal for every guest, so it’s worth considering when planning your day.

Sun and Shade

  • The pool area is highly exposed to sunlight, with very limited shade available.
  • Adequate sun protection, such as sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses, is strongly recommended for guests planning to spend extended periods at the pool.

Our Thoughts

Though small in size, the Aquatic Club Pool serves as a hub for fun and relaxation aboard Virgin Voyages. Remember, the focus is on cool-downs and dance-offs rather than rigorous swimming. Whether you’re catching the rays on a lounger or cooling off in the water, be mindful of access limitations and bring plenty of sun protection to ensure a comfortable, enjoyable experience.

About the author

Co-Founder and Director. David has a background in web design and development and writes travel content, vacation guides and tips about Virgin Voyages.

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